Farm Paintings by American Artist THRoberts

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Farm land painting by American Artist THRoberts


“I love Virginia” – THRoberts

Oil painting of sheep on hay bale at Bibb Forest Farm by American Artist THRoberts


“Top of the food chain?” – THRoberts

Oil on wood panel

“row crops provide such a nice symmetry to paintings ”– THRoberts

Farm Painting by THRoberts



“A path for each of us.” THRoberts


Dairy Farm in Forest Virginia
Outside Lynchburg VA


  • “Flowers don’t tell, they show.” — Stephanie Skeem

Oil wood panel


“Good moooning” – 


“I have painted this pond so many times”– THRoberts

Butterfly n the fields oil painting by American Artist THRoberts

Oil on 6″ x 8″ canvas

Butterfly on Red Flower

September 15, 2022

“Flowers are like friends; they bring color to your world.”– Unknown



  • “Tobacco Barn” 

Oil wood panel


“The most painted Virginia pond.” – THRoberts


“Part of the purchase price of Biff Forest Farm”– THRoberts

oil painting of front yard at Bibb Forest Farm by American Artist THRoberts


“Front Yard at Bibb Forest Farm.”

oil painting of red barn at Bibb Forest Farm by American Artist THRoberts


Red Barn at Bibb Forest Farm


“Jesse dries his garlic at Bibb Forest Farm in the Red Barn” 

plein air oil painting of Duckinghoe Creek at Bibb Forest Farm by American Artist THRoberts

Oil wood panel


“If beauty is hidden, is it still beauty?  Duckinghoe Creek” 


“another view of Duckinghoe Creek”– THRoberts

plein air painting of artist's father eating blueberries at Bibb Forest Farm by American Artist THRoberts


“It was nice to see my father enjoying the farm.”– THRoberts

oil on paper - by American Artist THRoberts



“oil on paper”

Oil wood panel


“Duckinghoe Creek with Snow” – THRoberts


“my cup running over”– THRoberts


“Plein Air from Howard’s back yard in Louisa VA – Farm Neighbors are the Best Neighbors”– THRoberts