Gouache Paintings by American Artist THRoberts

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Plein Air Gouache by THRoberts

Gouache on gesso board

Bay side of Cape Cod

September 2023

“Many of my paintings are a visual diary of trips and adventures” – THRoberts

en plein air cambden harbor by THRoberts

Plein Air Gouache on gesso panel

Cambden Maine

October 2023

“Interacting with nature and those in it is one of the reasons I enjoy plein air painting” – THRoberts

Gouache painting, Sunrise over the ocean waves by American Artist THRoberts

Gouache on 10″ x 6″ wood panel

“Sunrise brings hope”– THRoberts

Plein Air Gouache New England shores by American Artist THRoberts

Plein Air Gouache on gesso panel

New England Shores

September 2023

“For every plein air painting you have, I have 3 hours of walking time.” Shari Roberts

Gouache boats leaving Gloucester MA by American Artist THRoberts

Gouache on Paper

hidden in a guest book in Gloucester MA
October 2023

“Wonder if I will ever hear from the folks that received this little gouache sketch?” — THRoberts

gouache painting of Cape Cod Light House by American Artist THRoberts

Gouache on 7″x5″ gesso  panel

October 2023

“Be a light” – THRoberts

Plein Air Gouache painting of Tenants Harbor Maine by American Artist THRoberts

Gouache on 12″ x 9″  canvas panel

Plein Air  – Tenants Harbor Maine

“Lovely place to visit!”– THRoberts

American Artist painting with Gouache 


“Painting” THRoberts