Plein Air Paintings by American Artist THRoberts

plein air mini painting of Hilton Head Beach by American Artist THRoberts

Oil on 3.75″ x 7″  wood panel 

Plein Air Hilton Head April 17, 2022

“Sand in my toes, on the beach, people watching, just relaxing.” – THRoberts

plein air painting of water by American Artist THRoberts

Plein Air Oil on 10″ x 8″ gesso board

Deltaville Shore

Off Stove Point Deltaville Virginia.  5/2/2024

On May 2, 2024, I was enjoying the day taking in the vista at a friend’s cottage at Stoves Point on the Piankatank River.  The waves lapping against the shore caught my attention.  THRoberts

plein air montana mountains oil painting by American Artist THRoberts

Plein Air Oil on 12″ x 9″ canvas panel

Bozeman Montana 

July 24, 2024

“Nothing like soaking in the beauty of nature” THRoberts

plein air sturgeon creek shore line plein air oil painting by American Artist THRoberts

Plein Air Oil on canvas panel

Sturgeon Creek, Deltaville Virginia May 2024

“Beauty surrounds us most of the time, but do we take the time to soak it in?” THRoberts

spiderwort oil painting by THRoberts

Plein Air Oil on 10″ x 8″ canvas board


Plein Air May 3 2024

“She is like a wildflower; beautiful, fierce, and free.”– Unknown

plein air oil painting of shoreline of Sturgeon Creek, Deltaville VA by American Artist THRoberts

Plein Air Oil on 12″ x 9″ canvas panel

Sturgeon Creek Deltaville Virginia May 21, 2024

“Artists are fascinated by the simplest and most complex things.” – THRoberts

en plein air laguna beach by THRoberts

Plein Air Watercolor

Laguna Beach, California

March 2023

“Laguna Beach is synonymous with plein air – so only fitting that I indulged ”– THRoberts

plein air hydrangea oil painting by THRoberts

Plein Air Oil on 12″ x 9″ wood panel


Day 160 of #365daysofpainting 2015

“2015 was a full year painting a painting each day of the year”– THRoberts

plein air painting from the ridge of Sypes Canyon Trail

Plein Air Oil on gesso panel




“After hiking to the top of the ridge, I leaned up against a tree and just soaked in the view.” — THRoberts

Plein Air Costa Rico Playa

plein air watercolor

Playa Linda – Costa Rico

“Sometimes it takes a painting to thaw ice.” – THRoberts