Portrait Paintings by American Artist THRoberts
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Oil on 8″ x 10″ panel
Jesse preparing the vegetable beds at Bibb Forest Farm
September 26, 2018
“Working the soil is a healing force” – THRoberts

Oil on 16″ x 11″ wood panel
Portrait of a Farmer
December 30, 2020
“Jesse loves his garlic crops” – THRoberts

Oil on wood panel
“While dad was a surgeon, his love was always farming”– THRoberts

Oil on 12″ x 9″ wood panel
Day 76 of #365daysofpainting 2015
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” Henri Matisse

Oil on 14″ x 18″ stretched canvas
Boys at the Beach
October 2000
“They grow up so quickly.” — THRoberts

Oil on 20″ x 16″ stretched canvas
David and Jesse at Salisbury Lake
“I’m thankful that my children like each other.” – THRoberts

Oil on 20″ x 16″ stretched canvas
Portrait of a Dairy Farmer
(Cosby) December 20, 2020
Private Collection – Cosby
“Capturing the person in a portrait is more than painting their physical likeness”– THRoberts

Oil on 6″ x 7″ wood panel
Day 293 of #365daysofpainting 2015
“Invest in people – you never know the return. ”– THRoberts