Uncommon, most definitely. Eccentric, perhaps. A drive to create fuels American artist Tom Roberts’ world with relentless passion and productivity. My story is an unprotected inside view of the often misunderstood world of genius paired with creative drive. Hyperdrive, ADHD, hyperfocus, somewhere on the autistic spectrum, whatever the label his pursuit of excellence and everything creative has been a propelling and driving force in his life. Describing his view of the world, American artist Tom Roberts says “Truth is absolute, but each individual experiences the truth and the world around them in a unique and individual way.”  

oil painting of pond at Bibb Forest Farm by THRoberts
Shari and Tom Roberts

Tom & Shari in New England

Tom Roberts’ way is unique to say the least.  I still vividly remember  when he visited me at work for the first time while we were dating–a young attorney wearing a bright Hawaiian shirt and a pinstriped suit. Really? If I had missed the early clues in our relationship, by that time it was as if he was painting with neon colors declaring that he would not be concerned by society’s disapproval of his habits or beliefs.  Nevertheless, when he asked me to marry him the 18th time, I agreed and we were married in an unconventional outside wedding ceremony in the fall of 1989.  The wedding homily should have included the warning ”fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be a wild ride and don’t expect to land.” Maybe growing up in Pittsburgh as the young cousin of Mel Bochner, a pioneer of conceptual art, prepared me for the world of an artist and began my propensity toward all things creative.  As a five year old, I became captivated by the smells of linseed oil and turpentine in Uncle Mike’s sign-painting and calligraphy basement workshop.  The creative process hooked me.   After 35 years of marriage to Tom Roberts, I’m beginning to learn how to live with extreme spontaneity and have given up on using any form of reasoning that begins, “Normal people don’t…”


Tom Roberts has built a reputation for his creative approach to problem solving. With a distinctly bold body of work in art and justice, His quest for life is reflected in everything he does. Known for civil rights cases, he has an eclectic list of clients. He has defended the First Amendment right of a cross-dressing drag queen to report on events at the inauguration of Virginia’s governor, and at the other end of the spectrum, he championed the right of police officers to criticize in social media department policy.  His artistic intensity is hinted at in his zest for life, whether farming, surfing, lawyering, mediating, judging, coaching, working, instructing or just playing. Visually diverse, passionate, prolific and inspiring are words describing Tom Roberts’ paintings. He engages his audience with life with a contagious enthusiasm.  He has roped many people into joining him on plein air painting adventures, convinced that everybody shares a need to create. The energetic and straightforward quality of Tom Roberts’ work is a life-infused quest for beauty in color, form and time. Tom Roberts creates motion and enthusiasm for life with his paintings and other activities. 

Oil Painting by THRoberts of Charlottesville Maill
Oil Painting by THRoberts of winter stream

I have never met anybody more project oriented or more competitive.  “Okay so I’m competing with a dead artist” he concedes–conceding anything is not a natural inclination for him.  Tom Roberts signs his art “THRoberts” to distinguish himself from renowned Australian artist Tom Roberts who painted plein air 100 years ago.  The Australian artist’s paintings fetch millions, but paintings from American artist Tom Roberts may be more difficult to obtain.  Hoarder? “No, I just don’t need to sell my paintings and I enjoy them.”  His obsession to create makes him oblivious to the fact that most people simply do not collect hundreds of paintings. On the morning of January 1, 2015, he quietly stated “I think I am going to create a new painting each day this year.” That was an incredible #365daysofpainting, a year of productivity, determination and challenge, accomplished while practicing law and managing the law firm 8 to 10 hours a day. What and when to paint was his daily juggle.  I ended up with 365 incredible paintings on every table, windowsill and empty space of my house. Eccentric maybe… an uncommon gifting all wrapped up in one person most definitely.

A few of the hundreds of paintings by American artist Tom Roberts may be seen by the public at www.throberts.com orinstagram icon https://www.instagram.com/throberts.art


Shari L Roberts

Shari L. Roberts is a watercolorist, musician, life coach, wife and mother.  She is proud of her three sons, David, Jesse and Isaac.

family of Artist THRoberts

Shari L Roberts a Wife’s View